Archiv für den Monat: April 2014

Offline Address List is not up2date

Event 9399: OALGen is configured to generate version 4 OAB files for offline address book ‚\Default Offline Address List‘ and publish it to public folders, but there is no public folder server available. OAB version 4 will be generated but will not be published to a public folder at this time. Please ensure that a public folder server with a replica of the Offline Address Book system folder is online and mounted, or disable publishing OAB version 4 to public folders.

The Generation Server for the Offline Address Book must have at least one online Mailboxdatabase. In a DAG you should never locate it on a node which will hold the passive Databases – it will result in the Error above. Just move to the Active Server ( EMC: Microsoft Exchange – Microsoft Exchange On-Premises – organization Configuration – Mailbox – Offline Address Book )

Get-PublicFolderStatistics results in Folder not found

Get-PublicFolderStatistics -id „\Samplefolder“ | fl results in:

Couldn’t find public folder „\Samplefolder“ on server „server.local“.

+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (\Samplefolder:PublicFolderIdParameter) [Get-PublicFolderStatistics], InvalidOperationException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 762BCDDB,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.MapiTasks.GetPublicFolderStatistics


Get-PublicFolderStatistics -id „\Samplefolder“ -resultsize unlimited | fl

This seems to be a Bug 🙂

Cannot Connect to EMC or EPS

Message is:

The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The systemload quota of 1000 requests per 2 seconds has been exceeded. Send future request at a slower rate or raise the systemquota. The next request from this user will not be approve for at least 1522693632 milliseconds.

Try to recycle the „MSExchangePowerShellAppPool“

Delegate Server/Recipient Management

If you like to Delegate Server and Recipient Management to a Site which has it’s own Exchange Server:

# create a management scope to restrict access to the server only
New-ManagementScope -Name "DELEGATED Servers" -ServerList SERVER1
#create a DELEGATED role group for server management
$RGS = Get-RoleGroup "Server Management"
New-RoleGroup "DELEGATED Server Management" -Roles $RGS.Roles -CustomConfigWriteScope "DELEGATED Servers" 
	-RecipientOrganizationalUnitScope "domain.local/NameOfOrganizationalUnit"
Add-RoleGroupMember "DELEGATED Server Management" -Member "delegated-exchange-g"
#create a DELEGATED role group for recipient management
$RGR = Get-RoleGroup "Recipient Management"
New-RoleGroup "DELEGATED Recipient Management" -Roles $RGR.Roles -CustomConfigWriteScope "DELEGATED Servers" 
	-RecipientOrganizationalUnitScope "domain.local/NameOfOrganizationalUnit"
Add-RoleGroupMember "DELEGATED Recipient Management" -Member "delegated-exchange-g"
# Remove the Recipient Policies Role to disallow policy changes
Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -RoleAssignee "DELEGATED Recipient Management" -Role "Recipient Policies" 
	-Delegating $false | Remove-ManagementRoleAssignment
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name "Recipient Policies-DELEGATED Recipient Management" 
	-SecurityGroup "DELEGATED Recipient Management" -Role "Recipient Policies" -CustomConfigWriteScope "DELEGATED Servers" 
	-RecipientOrganizationalUnitScope "domain.local/NameOfOrganizationalUnit"
# create a Mail Recipients Role and remove ability to administer the owamailboxpolicy
New-ManagementRole "DELEGATED Mail Recipients" -Parent "Mail Recipients"
Get-ManagementRoleEntry "DELEGATED Mail Recipients\*owa*" | Remove-ManagementRoleEntry -WhatIf
Get-ManagementRoleEntry "DELEGATED Mail Recipients\*owa*" | Remove-ManagementRoleEntry
# Remove the Mail Recipients Role to disallow owamailboxpolicy changes
Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -RoleAssignee "DELEGATED Recipient Management" -Role "Mail Recipients" 
	-Delegating $false | Remove-ManagementRoleAssignment
New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name "Mail Recipients-DELEGATED Recipient Management" 
	-SecurityGroup "DELEGATED Recipient Management" -Role "DELEGATED Mail Recipients" -CustomConfigWriteScope "DELEGATED Servers" 
	-RecipientOrganizationalUnitScope "domain.local/NameOfOrganizationalUnit"


Move Database Path in DAG

Turn off circular logging
Remove the Database copy or copies ( do not remove the files )
Move the Database Path with EMC or EMS
Copy the files on the DB Copy Servers to the new location
Re-add Database copies
Turn on circular logging ( if formerly on )

Restart MS Exchange Search Indexer and remove old Paths

Cannot remove Exchange 2003 – still connected users (Setup Message)

While removing Exchaneg 2003 you get : „One ore more users currently use a mailbox store on this server – the userser muste be moved…“

  1. Run Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Right-click your domain towards the top of the left-hand pane and choose Find from the context menu.
  3. In the Find Users, Contacts, and Groups window, click the Advanced tab.
  4. Click the Field button and then choose User. From the list of attributes displayed, choose Exchange Home Server.
  5. Set the Condition field to Ends With and then type the name of the old Exchange server into the Value field.
  6. Click Add to add this condition to the Condition List.
  7. Click the Find Now button and you should be presented with a list of objects that still have Exchange attributes. You will need to clear these before you can remove the server. Note that you don’t need to worry about system mailboxes.